Every Day with Jesus Daily Bible – December 28

December 28

Zechariah 2:1-6:15

Psalm 148:1-6

Proverbs 31:23-25

Revelation 19:1-21

Is There a Personal Devil?

Then I saw the beast, the kings of the earth, and their armies gathered together to wage war against the rider on the horse and against His army.—Revelation 19:19

Surprising as it may sound, some Christians do not believe in a personal devil. A modern-day theologian writes: “Let us put to sleep this idea of a personal devil who walks about with a pitchfork seeking to tumble people into hell. Evil is not a personality but an influence—it is just the darkness where the light ought to be.”

While I agree that the picture of a personal devil walking about with a pitchfork and with horns and a tail is not to be found anywhere in Scripture, the concept of a personal devil is found everywhere in Scripture. One evidence of this is the fact that many of the names given to him denote his personality: Satan, deceiver, liar, murderer, accuser, tempter, prince of the power of the air, and so on. Listen to what someone has written on this subject:

Men don’t believe in the Devil now, as their fathers used to do.

They reject one creed because it’s old, for another because it’s new.

But who dogs the steps of the toiling saint, who spreads the net for his feet?

Who sows the tares in the world’s broad fields where the Savior sows His wheat?

They may say the Devil has never lived; they may say the Devil has gone,

But simple people would like to know—who carries his business on?

Take it from me, whether or not you believe in the Devil, he most certainly believes in you.


Father, help me see that it is to Satan’s advantage for me not to believe in him. Then he can do his evil work unresisted. Over these coming weeks, unfold to me the strategies I need to overcome him. In Christ’s name I ask it. Amen.

Further Study

2Co 11:1-14; 1Th 3:5; 1Pt 5:8; Rv 12:10; Jn 8:44

What are some of the guises in which Satan comes to us?

How does Peter describe him?

Every Day with Jesus Daily Bible – December 28